ECIS is deeply committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in our world.
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) commitment of ECIS is wholly aligned and is integral to our work. ECIS aims to highlight best practices, signpost to excellent teaching and learning resources, offer mentorship for everyone wishing to lead and engage with this work and promote and effect changes within international schools to conduct a self-study, and work towards equal and just practices. We know it is imperative that as educators we embody the desire to learn and to combine reflective practice with a kind, curious and caring approach to creating change in inequitable structures.
Together with our DEIJ champions and carefully selected partner organisations, we provide support and resources to staff and students in our member schools and beyond, as we work towards our ongoing mission to create more just, compassionate and sustainable societies. We aim to create opportunities for educators and students to learn with and from one another. To this end, we provide mentorship programmes that encourage agency and self-efficacy. We strive to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and has equal access to opportunities.
“With kindness and caring we will create mindful progress.”
Kam Chohan
Executive Director, ECIS
The ECIS DEIJ Leadership Development Cohort is designed for international school educators interested in the opportunity to join a learning community of individuals who seek to deepen their understanding and strengthen their work in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. The cohort experience will allow participants to grow from a multitude of perspectives while being part of a learning community where vulnerability is supported and encouraged.
Download our one-pager guide to DEIJ training. Plus, we can customise a programme to align with the needs of your schools. If you have any questions or would like to discuss training, please email events@ecis.org.
To provide our schools with a starting point in their journey towards a more inclusive world, ECIS together with partners, The Global Equality Collective, have launched an app that simplifies the process of working towards equality, diversity, and inclusion. Our Member schools can download the app for a special price of £250. It which features 2 simple checkbox assessments to monitor your school’s equality and inclusion status: one checklist for the leadership team, and one for the employees. The Global Equality Collective app is available on all devices, giving you and your staff immediate access to your equality and inclusion status, easily identifying gaps, and providing you with an action plan and a kitemark. Interested? Contact GEC for more information.
This scheme of work addresses the issue of prejudice towards members of the Traveller community through drama, in particular how racist language can lead to tragic circumstances. The scheme of work places an emphasis on delivering the key areas of study: making, performing, responding and evaluating. It is designed with enough flexibility for it to be adapted for any secondary age group and has been trialled successfully with learners from Key Stage 3 (KS3) – Key Stage 5 (KS5). The scheme of work is intended to be taught by a secondary drama specialist and should be used whether or not Travellers are in attendance at the school. Cultural awareness support is available from the Local Authority’s Travellers Education Service. “A culturally relevant and affirming curriculum is important for all pupils. It is particularly important for children and young people from Gypsy Traveller backgrounds to see their culture, history, language and values reflected in their school experience. All schools, whether or not Gypsy Travellers are on roll, should have resources in classrooms and libraries which give a positive view of their culture and lifestyle. This adds to the quality and accuracy of knowledge for all children.“ (Aiming high: Raising the achievement of Gypsy Traveller pupils, DfES/0443/2003) Johnny Delaney was a teenager when he died. So were the boys who killed him. His story is a true story. The scheme of work provides workshop style lessons and the scope to create an entire piece of drama by the end of the scheme. There should be enough capacity within the work for all abilities to be catered for by the drama teacher. There is also a short play script included in this pack, which is suitable for assemblies and to use alongside the scheme of work. I hope that all who participate in this work are moved by Johnny’s story and are able to question their own prejudice and the prejudice of others. LEARN MORE
With the recruitment season on its way for the 2021-2022 school year, we are proud to introduce a recruitment platform that truly honors diversity, equity and inclusion, The Diversity Collective. It is a website that connects underrepresented minorities and LGBTQIA+ educators with schools that are seeking to diversify their faculty and leadership team members. Please join us by signing up as a school, teacher, or leader at no cost.
Schools: https://thediversityfair.org/
about Teachers or Leaders: https://www.thediversityfair.org/signup
For schools, please assign someone who will create a profile for your school. We recommend the head of school’s executive assistant, or someone in HR as the site asks for personnel and demographic information of your leadership team and faculty.
This spring, the Education Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS), has awarded two scholarships (bursaries) for two university students who graduated from an ECIS member school to enable their access to higher education institutions. The recipients this academic year was Leila Belkacem, a final-year Saharawi refugee student studying at United World College in Maastricht, Netherlands, who was awarded full fees for the first year of her university course studying Civil Engineering at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. During her time at UWCM, Leila began building leadership experiences such as organising activities with orphaned children, as well as guiding visually impaired people in Italy with the association TravelEyes, before she went on to found the “Under The Sun” project with a group of friends. The objective of Leila’s project is to improve the living conditions of Sahrawi refugees in Algeri, installing air-conditioning systems to prevent heat exhaustion in the camps and replacing failing steel water tanks with cleaner cement ones. The project extended across other schools and universities such as UWC Dilijan and the University of Granada and saw seven successfully installed air-conditioning systems with a further number planned in the summer.
A runner-up award of £2,000 went to Eylul Polat, a current Biochemistry student at King’s College London, to enable her studies related to her interest in disease research, drug discovery, and drug production. Forming a part of the Diabetes Research Group at King’s, Eylul believes that the use and the development of technologies at KCL, and her participation funded by the grant, will contribute to help her further research into more user-friendly drugs. Kam Chohan, Executive Director of ECIS, commented that “our commitment at ECIS is to support students, to help them achieve their goals is of utmost importance to us. Equal access to opportunity for all students is what we strive to achieve, as shown by our recently launched mentoring scheme. We are honoured and humbled to support these two young people in their dreams to contribute to a better world”. The ECIS University Scholarship usually awards one £10,000 scholarship per year, payable directly from ECIS to the university at the beginning of the first term of yearly enrolment, as a way to employ membership funds to advance international education and uphold the organisation’s commitment to higher education access. In this academic year, two awards were funded. Learn more.
Resources to ensure continued development and learning for our staff communities, to establish and sustain equitable, diverse and inclusive environments for all members of the learning commons
For Encouraging Initial Conversations among staff: The Global Equality Collective’s video wall
Association of International Educators and Leaders of Color Webinars & Events directory
The Global Equality Collective is taking diversity and inclusion a step further and making it easy for you to put equality first. Equality benefits everyone. ECIS together with GEC have launched an app that simplifies the process of working towards equality, diversity, and inclusion. Member schools will be able to download an app, which includes 2 simple checkbox assessments: one for the leadership team, and one for the employees. This will be offered for an introductory price of £250. The app is available on all devices, giving you immediate access to your equality and inclusion status, easily identifying gaps and providing an action plan.
Learning For Justice Staff Training & Workshops TWICE (Teaching With Inclusion and Culture Embedded)
Professional Development Workshops
The Riverside Learning Center’s The HumanE Framework Diverse Educators : Blog & Shared Resources
Dialogue with Debra: The Nature of Intercultural Understanding: A Series of Monthly Conversations. See our events calendar for more information.
By now, many (we are hopeful that a majority!) of us will have realised the need to extend DEIJ activity into our schools at multiple levels, whether through work on our curriculum, our staff training, our use of language or our choices about which voices and traditions are amplified in our communities. One massive part of the work is centered around hiring and retention practices, not just at teacher and administrator level but across multiple roles in any given context.
Kevin Glass, Head of Atlanta International School, has shared his team’s focus and job descriptions with us, showing how to stage a multi-level and multi-pronged approach that encourages DEI synergies across a larger school with both primary and secondary sections. Kevin’s approach is a useful guide for how a Head of E&I role on the AIS senior leadership team ensures that the DEI umbrella of work is embedded just as a role in Teaching and Learning, or Finance, might be. Our sincere thanks to Kevin for this intentional and important work.
At AIS, they have three full-time Equity and Inclusion professionals working with students, teachers, administrators, board, alumni association and families.
- 1 FTE = Head of Equity and Inclusion–a member of our Senior Leadership Team reporting directly to the Head of School. Our Head of E & I co-chairs our Board E & I Committee and also serves on the school’s Education Council (academic leaders) as well as liaison with our Parent Organization Executive Board.
2 FTEs = Equity and Inclusion Coordinators (one based in Primary School and one in Secondary school). They are direct reports for our Head of Equity and Inclusion and have a dotted reported line to our Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools and their respective leadership teams.
The following two job descriptions are attached:
If you need support, more information, or help in bidding for roles like this in your own setting, you are welcome to contact our DEIJ team for more information and supporting materials. We can help you to make a case, pitch for budget and give you tangible examples of outcomes within our school communities. Contact us in confidence at deij@ecis.org.
Links to support aspiring and existing leaders in the work of diversity, equality, inclusion and justice, as well as networks to engage with.
Being mentored can be life-changing – everyone can benefit from having the support of a mentor at different stages in their lives and careers. Perhaps you already have some experience of the value of mentoring or of being mentored? Alternatively, this may be new to you.
Our new Mentoring platform was launched at our annual Leadership Conference 2021. The theme was Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and our overarching aim is to provide equal access to opportunities for everyone. We believe our easily accessible mentoring platform is an important step towards achieving this goal.
We are always interested to receive articles, blogs, teaching and learning resources, multimedia and stories of your experiences to help us communicate our shared mission and inspire ongoing work in our member institutions.
If you have experiences you would like to communicate with us, can contribute learnings of your own or have classroom teachings you would like to share with our community, please get in touch with us at deij@ecis.org.
The Global Chatter (from The Black Expat) is a conversational podcast on international mobility, identity, race, career and more. Each episode takes a deeper dive on issues related around the expatriate experience, especially as it relates to Black and Brown people. Come for the commentary. Stay for the laughs. Hosted by Amanda Bates.
The Be a Better Ally Podcast is a part of The Be a Better Ally Newsletter mission: engaging educators everywhere with thinking that builds more LGBTQ+ inclusive schools. We host leading thinkers and educators who will inspire you to rethink classroom practice, classroom libraries, and policies that make schools welcoming to your entire community. If you are new to LGBTQ+ work or if you are a veteran of anti-bias education, this podcast is a space for all.
Code Switch Podcast by NPR What’s CODE SWITCH? It’s the fearless conversations about race that you’ve been waiting for! Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race head-on. We explore how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and everything in between.
WISE Education Podcast (Wellbeing In International Schools) This podcast discusses and explores topical issues facing international school education. Episodes will include audio articles taken from the WISEducation blog and will also include conversations with guests who are paving the way and are having challenging, constructive and needed discussions in international school education.
Cultural Connections – National American Heritage Month
A Leader’s Journey – Seeding Culture in an Organisation: Kiran Sethi, Deepa Avashia, Namrata Jajoo
Inclusion by Design, a way of life at Riverside: Parul Patel, Teacher Magazine
An open letter to the international school community by Doline Ndorimana, ISL Luxembourg
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Policy Template For Schools
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) commitment of ECIS is wholly aligned and is integral to our work. ECIS aims to highlight best practices, signpost to excellent teaching and learning resources, offer mentorship for everyone wishing to lead and engage with this work and promote and effect changes within international schools to conduct a self-study, and work towards equal and just practices. We know it is imperative that as educators we embody the desire to learn and to combine reflective practice with a kind, curious and caring approach to creating change in inequitable structures. + Authored by Kyra Kellawan, Jim Ellis and Kam Chohan, inspired by the DEIJ school statement by Nicole Roady and Kelly Barlow @ The Pegasus School, California.
This version is intended to be available to member and non member schools alike, for free, to bring DEIJ work to the fore or support existing intentions.
About you
You may be a school leader or senior leadership team member with a similar vision to ours. Or, you may have been tasked with leading this work at your school without a full understanding of how to begin. Either way, we are here to help. Below you can find a template policy that can be adapted to the particular needs of your own educational setting.
Aims and Objectives of this Policy
- To create terms of reference and definitions for a community to understand the necessary process of self-study, reflection and commitment to action
- To ensure the protection from harm, safeguarding and psychological safety of each member of the school community, including staff
- To understand and acknowledge the power, privilege and responsibility that comes from being members of any dominant group in a given society
- To enable the fulfilment of the school’s mission in a space of tolerance, open-mindedness, understanding and curiosity about different perspectives and experiences
- To light a path for others and lead by example
Talking To Younger Children About Race and AntiRacism – Reading Resources from Arapahoe Libraries
Diversity and Inclusion Read-Alouds and Resources – Selspace
Anita & The Dragons – Lantana Publishing
Chicken in the Kitchen – Lantana Publishing
The Project Implicit Bias /Association Test by Harvard University
9th Grade and Up: Diverse Reading Lists by New Visions for Public Schools
“A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction” – Various Collaborators, for grades 6-8
Pride in Education Secondary Resources – educateandcelebrate.org
The Black Curriculum – free and paid resources for all levels of learning
Resources & Printables from the Due East Educational Equity Collaborative
Resources for School Communities in Times of Crisis (google doc) – Japneet Kaur & Ed Elements
“A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction” – Various Collaborators
26 mini films for exploring race, bias and identity with students – NY Times
Collaborative Conversation Suggestions and Sentence Stems Activity – ISBE Speaking and Listening Kit (need to check permission)
Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension – Sara K. Ahmed
https://allyed.org/towards-a-more-inclusive-classroom/ – AllyEd/Tricia Freeman
https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources – Lessons for Justice
Teaching About Anti-Asian Racism & Xenophobia – Educators 4 Social Change
The 1619 Project Curriculum (various ages) – Pulitzer Center
Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding: Engaging Young Hearts and Minds by Debra Rader
These come from a list helpfully compiled at www.edgilityconsuting.com as well as from recommendations from peer educators.
Creating a Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Classroom by Roisleen Todd (Edutopia)
Roots ConnectED Anti-Bias Education video
An Antiracist Roadmap for Discussing Tough Topics in Class by Rann Miller (Edutopia)
A Concierto is a Conversation by Ben Proudfood & Kris Bowers (NY Times)
How to Talk to Your Kids About Disability – Huffpost
7 Steps Towards Building an Equitable School Culture by Jessica Huang, Edutopia
See also https://www.edgilityconsulting.com/11-books-on-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-that-are-actually-worth-reading/
Courageous Conversations about Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools by Glenn E. Singleton
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi
We Can’t Talk about That at Work! How to Talk about Race, Religion, Politics, and Other Polarizing Topics by Mary-Frances Winters
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum PhD
This Book is Anti-Racist – 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action and do the work by Tiffany Jewell
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Black Teacher by Beryl Gilroy
Growing Up in Transit by Danau Tanu
The Anti-Racist Teacher by Lorena Germán
Kam Chohan joined ECIS in February 2018 as Chief Operating Officer and became Executive Director in August 2020.
With an impressive background in education and leadership, Kam is a learning leader and brings insight, wisdom, and compassion to the role. She has demonstrated the ability to build meaningful, lasting relationships that contribute to personal and organisational development and improvement.
Kam is a passionate educator and enjoyed lecturing in mathematics and business. She holds qualifications and experience in Leadership and Professional Development. As an example of her commitment to student learning, Kam worked with the UK Government’s Behaviour Insights Team to apply the Nudge Theory to improve student outcomes on a national level. As Chief Operating Officer for ECIS, Kam demonstrated, high aptitude for financial reporting, forecasting, analytical ability, scenario analysis, and financial implications of business and educational models.
Kam is committed to social justice and equity through diversity, inclusion, and intercultural understanding in international education.
James P. Duval is the Head of the Lower School at Riverdale Country School. James joined Riverdale Country School in July of 2016. Prior to joining Riverdale Country School, James was the Elementary School Principal at Benjamin Franklin International School where he worked for more than 9 years..
In the classroom as a middle school math, science, and design teacher for more than two decades Jim is a dynamic educator focused on development in and out of the classroom. He is also known for his work with design thinking and leadership training, having served individuals and schools around the world. Jim also served as a director of an outdoor education summer camp program near Flagstaff, Arizona and has written many articles and a book for middle school teachers. Jim is passionate about international schools, their faculty, and the communities they serve without ever losing sight of the students at the heart of our work.
Futures Lead, British School of Barcelona
“I’m so proud and honored to be part of ECIS’s work and commitment to Diversity and inclusion are more than just headlines for me or words that sound good. I genuinely believe that as educators we have to live them. This work is also incredibly personal for me, as a third culture kid of mixed heritage. I fully know the power of having diverse role models, leaders and mentors and the effect that has had on my lifelong learning. I wish for that for each and every student and staff member in our community. Representation matters, and in education we have a responsibility to keep learning and striving for equity and a more just and fair society. We look forward to you joining us in that mission and we also look forward to serving our education community for the better.”
Sarah is the Head of Professional Learning at ECIS. In international school headship positions, she led teams who developed innovative, dual language and interlingual approaches to learning and language development. She has worked in the UK and Germany as a primary, secondary and special education teacher, and she taught undergraduate education in London. She has worked closely with Debra Rader, co-presenting at several Intercultural Understanding Institutes. Sarah is driven by the conviction that the life-long journey of engaging with intercultural understanding is vital to our appreciation of one another.
Claire Nuttall
Headteacher/Vice Principal St George’s International School, Luxembourg
DEIJ has always been an area of interest for me, underpinning my own values and beliefs. Recently, I have been pleased to see the area re-gaining importance on National and Global levels. Seeing DEIJ promoted as the topic of the ECIS conference, rather than a single session was a trailblazing decision, showing the importance of the area. This has been solidified by the move by ECIS to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion and justice is placed at the forefront of their organisation, embedded throughout.
I am not an expert in DEIJ, but I follow the area closely, and enjoy finding new articles and areas of research, once very limited, but recently growing. I have participated in and led seminars, mostly on the international circuit, highlighting the importance of a diverse staff and governance in our schools, as well as the need to diversify and décolonisé the curriculum.
I particularly like the idea that DEIJ work with ECIS will be collaborative and inclusive, including partnerships with other organisations, as well as ensuring that students are included and represented.
A 25 minute conversation with Claire Nuttall and her daughter, about diversity and inclusion from the perspective of a Middle School student.
I am delighted to be working with ECIS to help move the important work of DEIJ forward. I have worked in international education as a teacher, principal, educational consultant and workshop facilitator. I am the author of Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding: Engaging Young Hearts and Minds (Routledge, 2018), a comprehensive resource for educators, and believe in intentionally embedding this pedagogy in our learning communities. Inclusive learning communities are developed intentionally when all members, students and adults, work together to ensure that everyone is valued and feels a deep sense of belonging. Passionate about developing intercultural understanding in children and adults, I am deeply committed to honouring each other’s cultures, languages, identities, personal stories and histories, and to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice and antiracism in education.
Matthew Savage
International education consultant, architect of #themonalisaeffect®, and former Principal.
Formerly Principal of an award-winning international school in the Middle East, Matthew is now an educational consultant and trainer, speaker and writer, content creator and coach, architect of #themonalisaeffect®, and host of The Data Conversation podcast. In recent years, he has worked face-to-face or remotely with thousands of educators across hundreds of schools in more than 60 countries, helping them to use a triangle of assessment data to maximise student wellbeing and, as a result, student outcomes. Most recently, he was selected by ISC Research to contribute to their pivotal Future of Assessment report and the corresponding webinar panel discussion, was part of an assessment ‘double bill’ at the Outstanding Schools Europe conference with Professor Dylan William, has written for all four issues of Wellbeing in International Schools Magazine, and will join Diana Osagie, Priya Lakhani and Lord Jim Knight on the main stage at the COBIS Annual Conference. Matthew is an Associate Consultant for LSC Education, in which role he coaches senior leaders in the UK and internationally, and also leads governance training with international school boards; and he is a passionate advocate for and ally of #deij worldwide, a member of the Diverse Educators network and the ECIS #deij team, and host of the “Jack and Me” podcast.
Kevin Simpson owns and operates KDSL Global. This education consulting company launched in 2016 in the USA and in the United Arab Emirates. He and his team has served thousands of schools, educators, and leaders worldwide in over 25 countries. The majority of his work in education has centered on American curriculum schools overseas. Since 2008, he has been focused on education in the MENA region, assisted numerous schools with accreditation, training, development, and served as a thought partner with investors on school start-up projects. Simpson is founder of the Association of International Educators and Leaders of Color, co-founder of the UAE Learning Network, leads the GCC ASCD Connected Community. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Michigan State University (USA).
Dr Omolola Wright-Odusoga is a transformative educational leader with vast experience in International Education. Her philosophy is that all students can learn to grow to their full potential. Dr Lola is committed to DEIJ through 21st-century Education that would impact positive social change in the community.
Here’s what’s coming up. You can also visit the full events calendar.
Interested in contributing? Please visit www.ecis.org/insightful to learn more and to see the full library of articles.
An up to date listing of partner organisations and supporters who can provide services, training and further resources/programming as required. Learn more about each partner via the links below.
Lantana Publications is an award-winning children’s book publisher and social enterprise with a mission to publish inclusive books celebrating diversity, social and emotional learning and environmental sustainability. We work with authors from under-represented groups, and from across the globe, and print our books with non-petroleum-based inks on Forest Stewardship Council certified paper to minimise our carbon footprint. For ECIS members, Lantana is delighted to offer a 10% discount on book purchases from their site, using coupon code ECIS10 at checkout. Learn more
Be A Better Ally
Why might we need to re-think our definition of allyship? LGTBQ+ allyship starts with you. Tricia Friedman is an experienced workshop leader who has presented at dozens of conferences around the world. Tricia will work directly with your school to ensure your specific needs, goals and context are at the heart of the workshop. Learn more
The Association of International Educators & Leaders of Color (AIELOC):
AIELOC began as an affinity group on Facebook on March 14, 2017 after a colleague was discouraged from applying for a leadership position at an international school due her race and country of origin not matching the expectation. In January 2020, the group moved to become an association open to all past, present, and future educators and leaders around the world committed to speaking up, learning, advocating for change, taking action in addressing racism and discrimination in the international school ecosystem, amplifying the work of BIPOC, and researching topics of interest. Learn more
Carney Sandoe Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultancy
CS&A draws from more than 40 years of history of working with schools and educational organizations to offer consulting services in the important and ever-growing area of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work. Wherever your organization may be in terms of its cultural competency work or its diversity and inclusion efforts, we welcome the opportunity to facilitate a deeper level of understanding and growth with your team. Learn more
Debra Rader, International Educator, Author, Consultant and Workshop Facilitator of Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding.
Developing intercultural understanding is at the heart of international-mindedness, global competence and global citizenship education, and promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and antiracist education. It is an essential disposition and competence to develop in ourselves, each other and the children we teach. Teaching and learning for intercultural understanding is an ongoing journey, and as such we value collaboration and aim to support our international school colleagues as they engage in this vital work. Professional development is most effective when we apply our new learning to our work, and reflect on our successes and challenges as we continue the learning process. Learn More
Global Equality Collective
The Global Equality Collective is taking diversity and inclusion a step further and making it easy for you to put equality first. Equality benefits everyone. On 01 September, ECIS together with GEC will be launching an app that will simplify the process of working towards equality, diversity, and inclusion. Member schools will be able to download an app, which includes 2 simple checkbox assessments: one for the leadership team, and one for the employees. This will be offered for an introductory price of £250. The app will be available on all devices, giving you immediate access to your equality and inclusion status, easily identifying gaps and providing an action plan.
Never miss an event. Engage with us and connect in our regular twitter chats and book group or join our mailing list.
Reach the ECIS DEIJ team for queries, support or anonymous assistance on issues related to DEIJ work in your school.